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Certified Hair Loss Practitioners 

Jamie, the Owner of Custom Cut and Style, and Theresa, the Manager have dedicated their Focus to helping people with hair loss issues. No one knows the emotional toll of hair loss until they are faced with it. Custom Cut & Style has a private facility dedicated solely to your needs. Our Certifications enable us to give you the best course of action with customized programs to either help you grow your hair back, or help you with Cranial Prosthesis, Medical wigs, Toppers, Toupees, and multiple methods of Hair Extensions. 



Finally a solution for your hair loss! 

Medical Wigs, Toppers, Toupees, Extensions! Xtreme Total Care Hair Loss Systems 

Who Qualifies?

Anyone who has lost their hair because of medical conditions such as Alopecia, chemotherapy, or other clinical disease or treatment. 


When a Cranial Prosthesis is needed due to medical related hair loss, you may be eligible for reimbursement from your health insurance. Most insurance covers 80%-100%

What is it?

Unlike an off the shelf wig, each prosthesis is custom made to fit. Precise head measurements are taken and top quality custom colored hair is used. 

Medical Wigs/Cranial Prosthesis

LLLT XTC Services

Xtreme Total Care Services with Low Level Light Therapy. Proven to regrow Hair with our education and support we show you every step of the way your Growth progress. Our Certified Hair Loss Practitioners recommend the appropriate program to meet your needs.



LLLT cleared by the FDA. 93% of people got an average of 19 NEW thick hairs per cm in 6 months, with the best results in 12-24 months. LLLT has been used clinically for numerous ailments in Europe for over 30 years, and has been the subject of over 3500 scientific  papers published worldwide. There are no reported side effects to the painless, non-toxic Therapy. LLLT stimulates collagen production, and encourages blood flow. LLLT is used for many things such as fat loss, pain management, and stimulating hair growth. 


XTC natural

The Natural Program Proactively treats thinning hair slows the progression of aging hair and strengthens damaged hair. It combines the most effective natural products designed for good scalp hygiene, and complete hair nutrition, fighting DHT with 11 DHT blockers. It includes XGT™, a superior natural hair stimulator that works synergistically with low-level light therapy.


XTC Boost

The Boost program combats aggressive hair thinning. This multi-therapeutic program was developed as a convenient, multistep solution with 5% Saw Palmetto extract, a potent DHT blocker, to help eliminate the major cause of genetic hair thinning and stimulate the hair's natural growth cycle. It also provides superior scalp hygiene, complete hair nutrition and Minoxidil enhanced many ways, which works synergistically with low-level light therapy. Growth Factor Jumpstart stimulates natural hair growth in an unprecedented manner on the cellular level, to jumpstart your hair program

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